Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A New Respect

I wanted to start by saying that I really have a new respect for the contestants on the Biggest Loser.  I have been a huge fan of the show for years and not until recently did I realize how truly hard those contestants work and how truly dedicated they are. 
After I returned last night from an hour workout at crossfit I truly felt like I was going to die and that was just one hour. As I am sitting here this morning my arms and legs feel like jello and if there was a bed in my office I could fall asleep just sitting here.  My point to all this is that I only workout for an hour and I feel like this and the contestants on that show workout for about 6 hours a day 7 days a week. I do not know how they do it.  As I watched their workout last night and then watched them step on the scale to reveal their weight loss to the nation part of me was jealous of all the hard work that they had done and the other part was amazed that they were able to walk. I guess before I would watch the show from the comfort of my couch, usually eating some type of dessert judging their workout and then commenting on the amount of weight they lost or did not lose.  I assume that the show in the beginning made me feel better that I was not as big as those contestants and I guess in my mind I felt I was in better shape.  But the truth is I am not.  I could never do the workouts that they do.  So as corny as it sounds my inspiration for today came from the biggest loser.  That if those contestants can stand in front of the nation and admit that they need a change and then do that change on television then I need to suck it up stop complaining and do something about it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day # 13 Moving Ahead

I know that this is going to surprise everyone but I stepped on the scale this morning and you guessed it 154.  I know that I should not weigh myself everyday and I should do it once a week so that it is not discouraging but I just can not do it.  The main reason I do this is because it is kind of a reality check that I did not hit my goal.  What I mean by this is everyday I wake up and I feel like I have gotten thinner and if I did not weigh myself and realize that I did not then I would feel like I deserve to go off my diet.  I know that sounds weird but that is the way my brain thinks so everyday that means weigh myself and see that number 154.  I know that one day that number will change and I will be so excited so I just need to be patient and realize that pretty soon I will not have to see 154.  On another topic in my goal to eat better I bought a book on the Paleo Diet.  Everyone at the gym raves about how they love this diet so I figured that I would buy the book and see what it is all about.  So as I get deeper into the book I will let you know...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I AM BACK...I think that it is day # 11

Well it has been a couple of days since my last post 8 days to be exact.  I am not quite sure what was going on.  I guess I am not the typical blogger.  I was having some problems with the weight loss challenge and instead of writing about it,  I just needed to work through it and now I am back. I never really went off the weight loss challenge goals.  I still worked out and I have been eating right but I am very discouraged because  I have learned that I am not a very patient person.  Everyday over the last 11 days I have stepped onto the scale and the numbers have read the same every single time.  If I see 154 one more time I think that I am going to scream. Yes I have lost .7 pounds but what is that anyway. Yes I am very happy that my weight has not gone up and I am very happy I lost .7 pounds but really I need this process to be a little bit faster.  Everyone keeps telling me that muscle weighs more then fat and that is why the scale is not moving.  I know that this fact is true but it still does not make it any better when you step on the scale and see the same awful number 154.  It is like in my sleep and all through the day I see the number 154. I think I just need to get it through my head that this process is slow and that it has only been 11 days and that I have to be patient.
My Goals for this week are:
I would like to run a total of 10-15 miles this week
Go to Crossfit 2 days
And eat well.
I also would love the scale not to say 154 ( LOL I will never learn to be patient.)

Here is hoping....

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day # 3 Hoping it gets easier

Today was a good day when it comes to this weight loss challenge.  I started by day off with a great workout at Crossfit.  I can not thank enough my Crossfit friends enough if it was not for them I would have spend my morning in bed and instead I had a great workout. My eating was much better today. Well actually that is a lie.  I guess I only really ate dinner today. Which is not even close to my 6 meals a day but with me I guess it is just baby steps. I do have to say though that this week without eating carbs I do feel better then ever. The only problem is I am still in the stage where I would bit off my own arm to get a piece of bread, so you can imagine my night waitressing at Feds where all I see is pizza, pasta and bread. There was a part in my night that I imagined tackling a customer in order to steal her penne vodka, but that urge past THANK GOD.  So I guess each day will get easier I am will stop fantasizing about stealing people's food and begin eating better.  Well I am off to bed.  Tyler slept out tonight so I would love to get up early tomorrow and go to the gym before I have to pick him up so we will see how that works out.

Day # 2 --- This is harder then I thought

Well it is day number 2 and I just wanted to begin by saying thank you to all of my friends and family for your support and love.  I can not begin to express how lucky I am to have you guys in my life.

Day 2 went pretty well.  I knew going into today that I was not going to be able to work out because I had to work from 9am- 3:45 at one job and then go to waitress from 3:45 to 9:45 or so. ( waitressing can count as working out in some ways I guess but moving on)  My goal today was to eat right and tried to keep myself motivated for the weeks ahead.  I have to admit the eating part is very hard for me because even though I prepare and had some food available to eat I find myself not eating.  In an attempt to only eat  the right things and stay away from the candy and cakes that are always around I find myself not eating at all which I know is not a good thing. So that is really my goal for this upcoming week.  To try and eat 5 to 6 small meals a day in an attempt to get myself on a good eating pattern. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day # 1 of Weight Loss Challenge

This morning is not what I would call a good start.  My intention was to wake up early and make myself a nice breakfast and get this weight loss challenge off to a good start but that is not quite how it worked out.  Instead of waking up at 7am I woke up at 8:15am which is not good when Tyler's bus comes at 8:30am.  But we made it work but that meant no breakfast for me.  Which only made me realize again how important it is to have things prepared the night before.  Lesson 1 learned. 
While I was at work today I really tried to make sure that I ate the right things and stayed away from the buckets and buckets of candy that coworkers had brought in but as the day went on I realized that I was staying away from all the food and not really eating any food which is not good either.  So lesson 2 learned for today is bring your own packed food to work so you do not have to make any decisions through out the day.  
So as I was preparing to leave work today I had made a plan.  I was going to pick Tyler up from school and bring him to gymnastics where he had practice from 3-7.  I figured that in those 4 hours I would go to the gym and get a great workout in and go to the food store and prepare for my weeks ahead with the two new lessons that I had learned.  As I picked up Tyler from school Tyler informed me that the rash on his face had gotten worse. ( Tyler was a joker for Halloween and had makeup on his face so he had developed a rash, so I thought....When he left this morning it was not too bad)  Tyler informed me that he had gone to the school nurse three times during the day and the nurse informed him that he should go to the doctors because they thought that he might have chicken pox.  Really chicken pox... I did not even think that chicken pox existed anymore but apparently the school nurse said it does.  So no gymnastics for Tyler and off to the walk in we go. So the doctor in the walk in stated that it kinda does look like chicken pox and that we would have to wait it out.  That if the what I call rash goes anywhere but his face then it is chicken pox but if by tomorrow it is just on his face then it is an allergic reaction to the face makeup from Halloween. (Boy I am glad he has a medical degree I do not think I would have ever been able to figure that out).  So needless to say I did not get to work out today and I really did not eat at all today so good start to weight loss challenge not so much. 
The positives are that I learned some tips for the future...
1. Always prepare the night before 
2. Always pack a lunch so that you eat during the day and are not tempted to go off track
So here is hoping that tomorrow goes a lot better

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Starting Line

Where do I begin....I wanted to start this blog as a way to help track my progress and my set backs in my venture to lose weight and be healthier in time for my sisters wedding.  My goal is to be 115lb.  Is this a realistic goal I am not sure but it is the goal. Right now as I weigh myself this morning I am (I hate to say) 154.7lb. I do not know why it is so hard to look down at the scale.  You know that the number is not going to change and somehow as I get on and off the scale multiple times this morning in my mind, I think that maybe it will.  Maybe the scale was off and this constant getting on and off the scale will miraculously change the number ..But shocker it does not. Then I start thinking to myself maybe this scale is broken, that I need to put it on my list of things to get this week, a scale, because this one has to be broken. So my goal this morning is to go to work and weight myself and prove that I need a new scale. I know that all this sounds crazy but these are the things that go on in my head. 
So I am sure that it is no surprise I go to work this morning step on the scale and you guessed it I weighted 154.7. So I guess that is it.  That is my weight and I have to move forward from here. 
So here we go...the challenge is for me to lose 39.7 pounds in 143 days and to blog each day on what I did or did not do to achieve this goal.  So wish me luck not sure how this one is going to turn out..but here is trying :)